
PhD in Mathematics | The University of Glasgow (2021 February)

Machine Learning Specialisation (Online) | Stanford University (2023 March)

Data Science Professional Certificate (Online) | IBM (2019 August)


Postdoctoral Researcher | The University of Edinburgh
2021 February - present
2023 Aug | The Institute of Genetics and Cancer (Ewing Lab)
2022 Mar | The Roslin Institute (Tenesa Lab)
2021 Feb | The Institute of Genetics and Cancer (Tenesa Lab)

Assistant Expert of the Scientific Programs | The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
2013 June - 2014 August


İ. Özkaraca and A.M. Uludağ, Deformations of Lebesgue’s measure on the boundary of the Farey tree, Essays in Geometry - Dedicated to Norbert A’Campo (pp.723-760), European Mathematical Society, (2023), doi: https://doi.org/10.4171/irma/34/30.

M.İ. Özkaraca, Planar Substitutions to Lebesgue type Space-Filling Curves and Relatively Dense Fractal-like Sets in the Plane, J. Math. Anal. Appl. (2023), 127654, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmaa.2023.127654.

Under Review
Ozkaraca, M. I., Square Substitution Tilings through Lenses of Space Filling Curves.

In Draft
Ozkaraca, M.I., Agung, M. and Tenesa, A., Divide and Conquer Approach for Genome-wide Association Studies.

Ozkaraca, M. I. and Tenesa A., Schrödinger’s Cat in Genome-wide Association Studies.

Ozkaraca, M. I. and Tenesa A., On Assessing Model Performance in Genomic Studies.


Kili James (M.S.) | Co-supervisor (with Prof. Albert Tenesa)

Thesis: Forecasting Genetic Effects of Complex Traits in Non-European Populations using European Individuals